Call for papers


As part of the Agri-Food Meetings in the Indian Ocean in Madagascar, the Qualireg network is launching a call for papers aimed at enhancing the research results and projects of agri-food stakeholders in terms of research and innovation for the quality and development of the agri-food sector in the Indian Ocean.

The purpose of this note is to specify the criteria and procedures related to this call, namely the rules of eligibility and arbitration, the terms of support and submission of communications.

Eligibility Criteria

This call for papers is intended for researchers, PhD students, technicians, project leaders in the agri-food sector, from the public or private sector, and working in one of the countries of the Southwest Indian Ocean, namely Madagascar, Comoros, Seychelles, Mauritius and Rodrigues, France (Reunion), and Southern African countries.

Support modalities

The organization will cover the travel expenses (plane, accommodation, catering) of the candidates selected for an oral communication from the IOC countries, namely Comoros, Seychelles, Mauritius and Rodrigues, and France (Reunion only). The candidates selected for a poster and the other participants (resident or not of Madagascar) will have to bear the expenses inherent to their participation (plane, lodging, restoration, transport on the spot).

Participants are therefore encouraged to seek funding wherever possible within their respective institutions or from organizations providing grants (Embassies, Chambers of Commerce ...).

Access to seminar activities (conferences, workshops, screenings, field visits, B to B meetings) is free and open to all but registration online is mandatory ! Lunch and coffee breaks are supported by the organization, with a limited number of places.

Candidates selected for oral communication will be contacted by the organization for logistical purposes. 

Submission and arbitration procedures

Your communication must be included in at least one of the four themes of the seminar:

  • Food safety and quality control;
  • Processing and preservation of food products;
  • Market, sector and sign of recognition; and
  • Food nutrition and health.

Communication proposals must include the following elements:

  • The contact details of the author (s) and indication of their institution ;
  • The title of the communication ;
  • The reference to one or two themes of the seminar ;
  • Specify the context, objectives, method, results and perspectives of your work (400 words max) ;
  • 3 to 5 keywords ;
  • Specify whether it is an oral communication or a poster.

Papers may be written in French or English.

Proposals for papers must be submitted via the Submit Online page before 15th of July 2020. To submit a communication, you must first create an account on the website. The papers will be evaluated by a review committee and a scientific committee composed of experts from the Indian Ocean in the various topics.

Individuals will be informed of the acceptance or rejection of their proposal by October 20th, 2020.

Accepted papers (oral and poster) will be published in the seminar program booklet and the titles will be posted on the event website and other communication materials related to the seminar.




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